CARE COORDINATORS 2018-12-08T03:10:59+00:00

Independent Medical Group – Care Coordinator Program

In an effort to continue our mission of providing the highest level and quality health care services to our patients, Independent Medical Group is pleased to announce our new Care Coordinator Progam!

Dr. Reiner, in conjunction with the OptumCare® Network of Nevada, has created a new program that improves communication between our staff and patients, one that operates more efficiently, lessens wait times and adds more personalization to the patient’s experience.

The Care Coordinator Program means as a patient of Independent Medical Group you will be assigned to your own personal Care Coordinator, with a separate phone number.  Your coordinator will work directly with you to answer questions related to your health needs.  You will no longer have to submit yourself to a host of menu options when calling our medical practice.  Simply contact your coordinator at the designated phone number and receive the personal care you deserve.

For more information on our new Care Coordinator Program, please call us at (775) 751-6111, or email us through our website by clicking on the button below.

Call Us: (775) 751-6111